
Shine of multiple dispatch: the `Copulas.jl` case.

Copulas.j: A fully Distribution.jl-complient copula package

Estimation and sampling of copulas in Julia with Copulas.jl

Announce I am proud to annonce the publication and the registration of my new Julia package, Copulas.jl. As it’s name suggests, Copulas.jl is a package that implements methods and tools to work with an arround copulas in the Julia programming language.

Estimation of High-dimensional Thorin measures

Estimation of High-dimensional Thorin measures

Estimation of high dimensional generalized gamma convolutions through random projections

Estimation of High-dimensional Thorin measures

(Virtual) Estimation of multivariate generalized gamma convolutions through Laguerre expansions

Estimation of multivariate generalized gamma convolutions through Laguerre expansions

Les convolutions généralisées de loi gamma ont été développées par Thorin dans les années 70 pour résoudre des problèmes d'infinie divisibilité des lois log-normale et Pareto. Bien que le cas univarié fut largement étudié, le cas multivarié et les …

Estimation of multivariate generalized gamma convolutions